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American Academy of Pediatrics

35 bytes added, 01:42, 31 December 2023
Comment: Wikify.
The AAP's difficulties with a child circumcision policy are largely of its own doing. The AAP continues to put its members' financial well-being ahead of the [[human rights]] and well-being of its child patients, which it does by omission of significant information and distortion of the medical facts in its numerous circumcision policy statements. Medical societies outside of the [[United States]] are in near total disagreement with the [[AAP ]] and its American allies with regard to non-therapeutic child [[circumcision]].
Although the AAP speaks very highly of non-therapeutic circumcision, a close reading indicates that it has never made an actual overt recommendation for [[circumcision]], probably because its lawyers forbid it. Nevertheless, a suit has been filed against the [[AAP ]] that alleges fraud in its circumcision statements.<ref name="delaney2021" />
* [[AAP Circumcision Task Force 2012]]
* [[AAFP]]
* [[ACOG]]
* [[Circumcision study flaws]]
* [[Financial incentive]]
* [[Penis]]
* [[Position statements on infant circumcision]]

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