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Circumcision scar

3 bytes removed, 13:55, 18 October 2019
Problems with the scar: Edit text
==Problems with the scar==
<!--There is some controversy as to what happens to the severed nerves of the foreskin at the scar. Xin ''et al''. (1997) suggest that nerves regenerate, forming new receptors.<ref name="Xin1997">{{REFjournal
}}</ref> However, pathologists -->Pathologists Cold & Taylor (1999) report: "Histology of the male circumcision scar shows amputation neuromas, Schwann cell proliferation and the bulbous collection of variably sized neurites. Amputation neuromas do not mediate normal sensation and are notorious for generating pain."<ref name="cold-taylor1999">{{REFjournal

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