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Arguments pro circumcision

2,799 bytes added, 10:30, 22 April 2015
Medical Prophylactical Arguments: sync'ed with German counterpart
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against STDs.'''
*: People refer over and over again to a study<ref></ref> of the [[WHO]] which should have determined that [[circumcision]] should have a 60% protection against HIV/AIDS. This study is sharply criticized worldwide by experts.
*: A study by Bertrant Auvert is used as a source, which supposedly wants to found an HIV infection risk reduced by up to 60%.
*: There are several comments: Firstly, the study design was already distroyed with the start of the trial. The circumcised control group was circumcised directly at the beginning of the study. This means that the intact control group had a 'contagion lead' of six weeks which were applied until the circumcision wounds have healed. Secondly, the entire study was carried out in the region with the highest HIV rate around the world. Thus the results are not that meaningfull as if the study would have been carried out in areas with 'normal' infection rates. Orange Farm, the village in South Africa, is well-known for the high rate of HIV. A third criticism is that the study of Auvert comes up with mathematical legerdemain and was also canceled after two years, when the figures threatened to align themselves. Unfortunately, this study is also the basis on which the [[WHO]] performs worth millions [[circumcision]] campaigns with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against urinary tract infections (HTI).'''
*: Urinary tract infections are much more common in women than in men, which is due to the shorter urethra. It is entirely sufficient to treat a urinary tract infection with antibiotics. * '''Circumcision supposedly protects against penile cancer.'''*: Penile cancer is one of the rarest types of cancer worldwide. In addition, the cancer is one of advanced age. Men have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than penile cancer. Cancer of the [[penis ]] is also a cancer.of the [[foreskin]] '''''and''''the [[Glans penis|glans]] and quite well treatable. This cancer is no reason to force [[circumcision]] on boys. 
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against cervical cancer / HPV.'''
*: The aforementioned diseases were mentioned during the modern history of [[circumcision]] to somehow justify non-medical circumcision medically. For prevention of the diseases mentioned however, other non-destructive measures (such as hygiene, condoms, etc.) are more appropriate. America with the highest circumcision rate of all western countries has also still the highest HIV / AIDS rate in all Western countries.There are now also well-tolerated vaccinations against the infection with HPV, such as Gardasil. 
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against [[phimosis]].'''
*: There are actually medically indicated cases of [[phimosis]]. But more than 90% of them can be corrected without surgery. One must clearly distinguish between the physiological ''(natural)'' and the pathological [[phimosis]]. Boys usually have a so-called physiological [[phimosis]]: the [[foreskin]] is bonded to the [[Glans penis|penis]] and cannot be retracted. Only by changes in the hormonal balance of adolescent boys, the bonded membrane dissolves slowly and allows to retract the [[foreskin]]. The average age here is 10.4 years. Each [[phimosis]] diagnosis that is made in an otherwise healthy boy before the end of puberty that can urinate without a problem, is a misdiagnosis. Especially during the enrollment examination, [[phimosis]] is often diagnosed because some doctors still mistakenly believe that on the enrollment the [[foreskin]] must be fully retractable. As a parent, please ignore this diagnosis. If the child has no problems, you have to make him any problems.*: The [[BVKJ|Professional Association of Paediatricians]] in Germany has now canceled the [[phimosis]] investigations in the examination books for boys in early childhood.
== Hygienical Arguments ==
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