Aaron Tobian

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Aaron Tobian is Assistant Professor of Pathology for the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health.[1] He has a son he claims he circumcised on the basis of the 3 African trials.[2] He is supported by grant 2011036 from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, National Institutes of Health grant 1K23AI093152-01A1, and the Johns Hopkins University Clinician Scientist Development Award.[3]

Pathology Dep.
Johns Hopkins
Ronald Gray
Maria Wawer
Thomas Quinn

See also


  1.   Tobian, Aaron. Aaron Tobian: Bio and publications. Retrieved 7 October 2011.
  2.   Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent. Should teens make circumcision decision?. Retrieved 7 October 2011.
  3.   The Medical Benefits of Male Circumcision. Journal of the American Medical Association Med. 306(13): 1479-1480. Retrieved 8 January 2012.