Arguments pro circumcision

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Pro circumcision activists have many arguments why the medically not indicated Circumcision should make sense. This page tries to offer an almost complete list and a ranking of the pro arcuments. All arguments listed hereafter can be and already have been refuted, the religious arguments included.


Religious Arguments

  • Circumcision is required by God. This argument is brought by the Jewish communities, with respect to a Bible text where God ordered the Israelic forefather Abraham to have all male descendants circumcised.
  • Circumcision has been recommended by the Prophet Mohammed. This argument is brought by the Muslim communities, with respect to a Sunna text of the prophet where the male circumcision is required.

Medical Prophylactical Arguments

  • Circumcision supposedly protects against phimosis.
  • Circumcision supposedly protects against STDs.
  • Circumcision supposedly protects against HIV/AIDS.
  • Circumcision supposedly protects against urinary tract infections (HTI).
  • Circumcision supposedly protects against penis cancer.
  • Circumcision supposedly protects against cervical cancer / HPV.

Hygienical Arguments

  • "A circumcised penis can be cleaned much easier."
  • "Uncircumcised penisses always smell."

Esthetical Arguments

  • "A circumcised penis looks nicer."

Sexual Arguments

  • "Circumcised men come later."

Moral Arguments

  • "I want to keep my boy from masturbating."