John Ellis
John Ellis, born in Montreal, Canada, is an intactivist airline pilot who now lives in South Florida. John's specialty is writing letters to public figures about male circumcision.
“ | “Talk about equality in our culture — not to mention in international human rights documents — is based on a foundation of hypocrisy. We don’t treat boys and girls equally,” he continues. “Girls get more comforting, while there’s a ubiquitous lack of sensitivity and empathy toward men and their genitalia. Essentially, circumcision constitutes the systematic bullying of baby boys, who are picked on because they cannot defend themselves.” – John Ellis |
Georganne Chapin, director of Intact America commented, "“As all of us know, every letter, every conversation, plants a seed, which in turn takes root and grows. John’s persistent outreach, and his clear presentation of facts, law, and ethics around male genital mutilation, are doing their job. The intactivist movement — and American boys — are lucky to have John Ellis working alongside us.”
Award for intactivism
Ellis was chosen "Intactivist of the Month" by Intact America in November 2015.