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Mike Gatto

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'''Mike Gatto''' was born in the Franklin Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles, to Joseph and Isolde Gatto. Gatto is a member of the following organizations: Democrats for Israel; The Sierra Club; The Burbank Democratic Club; The California League of Conservation Voters; The Silver Lake Improvement Association; and The Stonewall Democratic Club.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Full Biography for Mike Gatto | last= | first=Created from information supplied by the candidate | publisher=League of Women Voters of California Education Fund | website=Smart Voter | date=2010-04-11 | accessdate=2011-09-17
| Title= | Text=
2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.<br>
3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.<br>
4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.<br>
5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
| Author= | Source=Galatians 5:2-5, Holy Bible| lang=
| Title= | Text=He talked to me about how important the issue [circumcision] was, and it was, quite frankly, an easy sell | Author=Mike Gatto | Source=JewishJournal| lang=| before=| after=| Transcription=| Translation= | ref=<ref name="JJ 2011-6-15">[ (2011-6-15). Circumcision fight moves to california state legislature. JewishJournal]</ref>
| Title= | Text=there are a lot of Christians, too, who believe that circumcision dates back to the origins of our faith. | Author=Mike Gatto | Source=JewishJournal| lang=| before=| after=| Transcription=| Translation= | ref=<ref name="JJ 2011-6-15"/>
| Title= | Text=I think people who make that analogy are so wrong that their thinking does not color my thinking | Author=[[Brad Sherman]] | Source=JewishJournal| lang=| before=| after=| Transcription=| Translation= | ref=<ref name="JJ 2011-6-15"/>
| Title= | Text=...would angrily denounce anyone who thought I should consider any talk of female circumcision and male circumcision in the same conversation. They are not analogous. | Author=[[Brad Sherman]] | Source=JewishJournal| lang=| before=| after=| Transcription=| Translation= | ref=<ref name="JJ 2011-6-15"/>
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