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In a study of men circumcised for benign disease, Masood ''et al.'' reported that of those who stated they had prior premature ejaculation, 13% reported improvement after circumcision, 33% reported that it became worse, and 53% reported no change.<ref name="masood2005"/>
In a study of 22 men circumcised as adults, Cortés-González ''et al.'' reported that 31.8% suffered from premature ejaculation before the procedure; this diminished to 13.6% afterwards.<ref name="cortes2008">{{REFjournal |last=Cortés-González |first=J.R. |last2=Arratia-Maqueo |first2=J.A. |last3=Gómez-Guerra |first3=L.S. |title=[Does circumcision has an effect on female's perception of sexual satisfaction?] |journal=Rev Invest Clin |volume=60 |issue=3 |pages=227-230 |url= |quote= |pubmedID=18807735 |pubmedCID= |DOI= |date=2008 |accessdate= | language=Spanish; Castilian}}</ref>
== Sexual practice and masturbation ==