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== Sexual drive ==
Several studies have investigated the effect of circumcision on sexual drive. Studies that did not find a statistically significant difference include Kim and Pang,<ref name="kimpang2006"/> Collins ''et al.'',<ref name="Collins2002"/> and Senkul ''et al.'',.<ref name="senkul2004"/> and Cortés-González ''et al.''.<ref name="cortes2009"/>\
== Satisfaction ==
==Female preferences and response==
O'Hara and O'Hara argue that foreskin is a natural gliding stimulator of the vaginal walls during intercourse, increasing a woman's overall clitoral stimulation and helping her achieve orgasm more quickly and more often. Without the foreskin's gliding action, they suggest, it can be more difficult for a woman to achieve orgasm during intercourse.<ref name= "OHara1999">{{REFjournal