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One of the risks of [[circumcision]] in either sex, at any age, is '''death'''. It is difficult to obtain accurate estimates of the deaths caused by circumcision because hospitals are not required to release this data, doctors often purposefully attribute the death to a secondary cause, such as "hemorrhaging," or "septic shock," and oftentimes, parents who are complicit agree to keep silent about the surrounding of their child's death.
As an exampleHolt (1913) reported deaths of boys from tuberculosis transmitted by tubercular ''mohelim''. during ritual non-therapeutic circumcision.<ref>{{REFjournal |last=Holt |first=LE |author-link= |title=Tuberculosis acquired through ritual circumcision |journal=JAMA |date=1913-07-12 |volume=LXI |issue= |pages=99-102 |url= |accessdate=2020-02-02}}</ref> Today tuberculosis is no longer the problem it was in 1913, but now, evidence that shows mohels are spreading the herpes virus to children via the practice of [[metzitzah b'peh]], <ref>{{REFnews |title=Baby Dies of Herpes in Ritual Circumcision By Orthodox Jews |url= |last=James |first=Susan |coauthors= |publisher=ABC News | |date=2012-03-09 |accessdate=2020-02-02 |quote=}}</ref> or direct oral suction of the wounded child's penis, has been mounting recently, but parents who are asked about details surrounding their children's deaths, who performed their child's circumcisions, whether or not metzitzah b'peh was performed, etc., are often not forthcoming to protect the reputation of the ritual circumcisers in their community.
Parents of children who were circumcised in the secular setting of the hospital may also agree to repeat whatever their doctor told them to protect both the reputation of the doctor involved, and to keep their conscience free of the fact that they gave their consent to the procedure.

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