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German Circumcision Act

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* [[Andreas Manok]], '''The medically not indicated [[circumcision]] of the male child – Legal situation before and after the adoption of § 1631d Civil Code with special consideration of fundamental rights''', Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2015 (Writings on health law [SGR], vol. 34). 217 pages. ISBN 978-3-428-14584-3. 69,90 €.<ref></ref>
| Text=The author examines the question of the legality of unindexed medical [[circumcision]]s of male minors at the behest of their parents. After a cultural historical overview and consideration of medical aspects he fully verifies whether the amendmend amendmendment § 1631d to the Civil Code by the federal legislature in reaction to the so-called circumcision judgment of Cologne is constitutional. He concludes that § 1631d BGB is unconstitutional in several aspects. Firstly, the fundamental right of minors to physical integrity predominates the parental edicuation education right and their fundamental right to freedom of religion, as far as scope and the irreversibility of the intervention are concerned. On the other hand, it is an unjustified discrimination against male minors because of their gender, because the operation on them should be allowed while even mild forms of [[FGM|female circumcision]] are under threat of punishment by § 226a Criminal Code.
| Author=Dr. Georg Neureither
* [[The Right To Bodily Integrity - J. Steven Svoboda]]
* [ German Basic Law (1949) (''Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland'')]

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