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Boldt v. Boldt

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'''Boldt v. Boldt''' is formally a child custody case from the state of Oregon, however it actually is about the proposed non-therapeutic [[circumcision ]] of a boyfor the father's religious belief.
==Legal proceedings==
The Court then issued a verbal order from the bench that the boy was not to be circumcised. The court then followed that with a written order on 2 June 2009, in which the court found that a substantial change of circumstances had occurred and ordered an investigation by an independent child custody evaluator for a future evidentiary hearing.<ref name="geisheker2009" />
In September 2009, facing a custody hearing he was likely to lose, the father voluntarily agreed to give up physical custody of Misha (now 14-years-old) to his mother,with court approval. The child’s proposed circumcision, at one point only hours away, remains judicially prohibited.<ref name="geisheker2010">{{REFjournal
|first=John V.

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