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Circumcision and HIV

83 bytes added, 21:36, 25 May 2020
Problems with promoting circumcision as HIV prevention policy: spelling.
== Problems with promoting circumcision as HIV prevention policy ==
 The fact that the World Health Organization is corrupt is now well-established. Circumcision advocates use the latest African studies and WHO's endorsement based on them as proof "beyond reasonable doubt" that circumcision "reduces the risk of HIV." However, there are problems with the WHO's indorsmentendorsement, as the studies on which it is based on suffer various flaws and confounding factors that bring their credibility in to question, many of which will be discussed in this article.
On their [ website], the WHO acknowledges that, ''"[m]ale circumcision provides only partial protection,"'' and that it should be part of a ''"comprehensive HIV prevention package"'' that includes HIV testing and counseling services, treatment for STD infections, the promotion of safer sex practices and the provision of condoms and the promotion of their correct and consistent use.

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