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|pubmedID= |pubmedCID= |DOI= |accessdate=2020-0712-0530}} Example</ref>
adjusted REFjournal; switched Collins to REFdocument
Collins (2013) reports that security of the person "includes both physical and psychological integrity".<ref>{{REFjournalREFdocument
|first=Lynda Margaret |init=LM
|title=Security of the person, peace of mind: A precautionary approach to environmental uncertainty
|transpublisher=University of Ottawa -title= |language=English |journal=Common Law Section |location=Ottawa |date=2012-0706-26 |volume= |issue= |pages=
The principle of equality requires that feminists who desire rights for women must also support those same rights for men or, in the alternative, deny them to women.
In retrospect, the [[genital autonomy movement]] is about securing the right of bodily ownership. Children should be able to decide the outcomes of their bodies after being soundly aware of the minor prophylactic benefits amidst the great sacrifices that the ritual of circumcision inevitably requires.<ref name="svoboda2015">{{REFjournal |last=Svoboda
|first=J. Steven
|author-link=J. Steven Svoboda
|title=Growing world consensus to leave circumcision decision to the affected individual
|journal=Am J Bioethics
* {{REFjournal
|title= Notes for yet another paper on black feminism, or will the real enemy please stand up?