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Cologne circumcision court judgment

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==German Basic Law==
The [ German Basic Law ] (''Grundgesetz'') was drafted in 1948 under the oversight of the Allied Powers to serve as an interim constitution until such time as Germany was reunified. The authors of the Basic Law sought to ensure that a potential dictator would never again be able to come to power in the country, so the authors elevated [[human rights ]] and human dignity to core values protected by the Basic Law. The Basic Law was approved in Bonn on 8 May 1949, approved by the Allied Powers on 12 May, and went into effect on 23 May 1949.
The first title of the Basic Law serves as a bill of rights. It has nineteen articles that enumerate various fundamental [[human rights]]. Article 2(2) provides:
Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity.
==The Cologne case==
Underlaying the following case: On November 4, 2010 a Muslim doctor circumcised an at the time four years old boy of Muslim parents at their request on the rules of medical art in his practice. Strong [[haemorrhage ]] resulted in that the mother brought the boy on November 6, 2010, in the {{UNI|University Hospital of Cologne|Koeln}} Hospital, where the [[bleeding ]] could be stopped. The ''Süddeutsche Zeitung'' reported that the treatment after the [[circumcision]] was carried out "in general anesthesia". The boy had come for several days in a children's ward. Three dressing changes have also taken place in anesthesia. The doctor's letter also states the exposed [[penis]] surface and the [[Glans penis|glans]] were "uneven, corroded and fibrinous". The boy had been for ten days in clinical treatment over all.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Beschneidungs-Urteil des Landgerichts Köln: Vierjähriger Junge war mehrfach in Narkose
|publisher=Landgericht Cologne
|website={{UNI|University of Durham University|UOD}}
[[Category:Criminal circumcision]]
[[Category:Law: Germany]]
[[Category:Human rights]]
[[de:Kölner Beschneidungsurteil]]

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