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Circumcision legal commentary

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using template BoyleGJ SvobodaJS PriceCP TurnerJN 2000
== Books ==
=== 2022 ===
* {{REFbook
|author-link=Peter W. Adler
|title=[[Circumcision Is A Fraud: And The Coming Legal Reckoning]]
|title=English Criminal Law and Ethnic Minority Customs
* David [[Davis Richards ]] (1996) argues that the best way [ Marion's Case] applies to reduce the incidence of [[circumcision is to remove it from the medical benefits schedule]] in [[Australia]].
: {{REFjournal
|author-link=David Davis Richards
|title=Male Circumcision: Medical or Ritual?
|journal=J Law Medicine
* Christopher Price, M.A. {{MA}} (Oxon) , (1996) briefed the [ Law Commission of England and Wales] on issues of male circumcision.
: {{REFdocument
|title=Male Circumcision: A Legal Affront
|author-link=Christopher P Price
=== 1997 ===
* Abbie J. Chessler (1997) provides a review of legal issues of male and female non-therapeutic circumcision.
: {{REFjournal |last=Chessler |first=Abbie |init=A |author-link= |title=Justifying the Unjustifable: Rite v. Wrong |journal= Buffalo L. Rev |date=ChesslerAJ 1997 |volume=45 |issue= |pages=555 |url= |accessdate=2020-05-10}}
=== 1998 ===
* Jacqueline Smith (1998), of the [ Netherlands Institute of Human Rights], has examined non-therapeutic circumcision of male children in the light of international [[human rights ]] law.
: {{REFbook
|author-link=Jacqueline Smith
|work=To Baehr in Our Minds: Essays in Human Rights from the Heart of the Netherlands
|editoreditors=Mielle Bulterman, Aart Hendriks and Jacqueline Smith (Eds.)
* [[Ross Povenmire | Povenmire]] (1998-9) discussed the lawfulness of consent for non-therapeutic circumcision of minor boys in the United States.
: {{REFjournal
=== 1999 ===
* The late British solicitor [[Christopher P Price ]] (1999) elucidated the difference between therapeutic and non-therapeutic procedures and discussed the state of British law relating to non-therapeutic circumcision of male children._ : {{REFbook
|first=Christopher P. |init=CP
|author-link=Christopher P. Price
* [[Robert S. Van Howe|Van Howe]], [[J. Steven Svoboda|Svoboda]], [[James G. Dwyer|Dywer]], & [[Christopher P. Price|Price ]] (1999), a medico-legal team discuss the legal issues of non-therapeutic circumcision of boys.
: {{REFjournal
|last=Van Howe
* Shea Lita Bond (1999) argues that circumcision violates the right to equal protection of the law.
: {{REFjournal
|first=Shea Lita
|title=Female Circumcision Laws and the Equal Protection Clause
|journal=John Marshall Law Review
=== 2000 ===
* Boyle et al. (2000) argue strongly, that in common law jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and the United States, parents lack the capacity to consent to non-therapeutic circumcision, so it constitutes criminal assault, whenever it is performed.
: {{REFjournal |last=Boyle |first=Gregory J. |init=GJ |author-link=Gregory J. Boyle |last2=Svoboda |first2=J. Steven |init2=JS |author2-link=J. Steven Svoboda |last3=Price |first3=Christopher P. |init3=CP |author3-link=Christopher P. Price |last4=Turner |first4=Neville |init4=N |author4-link=J. Neville Turner |etal=no |title=Circumcision of Healthy Boys: Criminal Assault? |journal=J Law Med |location= |date=BoyleGJ SvobodaJS PriceCP TurnerJN 2000-01-01 |volume=7 |issue= |pages=301-310 |url= |accessdate=2020-04-08}}
* Dr. [[Arif Bhimji {]] (2000) argues that non-therapeutic circumcision of boys in Canada violates the rights protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
: {{REFjournal
* [[J. Steven Svoboda|Svoboda]], [[Robert S. Van Howe|Van Howe ]] & [[James G. Dwyer|Dwyer ]] (2000) discuss legal issues inherent with consent for non-therapeutic circumcision of boys.
: {{REFjournal
|first=J. Steven
|author-link=J. Steven Svoboda
* {{REFjournal
|author-link=Dena S. Davis
|title=Male and female genital alteration: A collision course with the law.
|journal=Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine
=== 2005 ===
* [[Suzanne Bouclin ]] (2005) examined the legal status of non-therapeutic circumcision in Canada.
: {{REFjournal
|author-link=Suzanne Bouclin
|title=An examination of legal and ethical issues surrounding male circumcision: the Canadian context
* Fox & Thomson (2005) discuss circumcision law.
: {{REFjournal
|title=Short changed? The law and ethics of male circumcision.
|journal=International Journal of Children's Rights
=== 2008 ===
* [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)]] included this commentary on the law of circumcision of boys in their June 2008 ''Genital Integrity Statement''. It has since been later amended by another party to include a reference to Adler (2013) that was not available at the time of writing.
: {{REFbook
|init=G |author-link=George Hill
|title=Ch. 10: American Law and the Circumcision of Children
|publisher=[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]]
|title=The Fiduciary Obligation of Physicians to “Just Say No” if an “Informed” Patient Demands Services that Are Not Medically Indicated
|journal=Seton Hall Law Review
=== 2013 ===
* Professor Peter W. Adler, J.D.{{JD}}, (2013) argues that non-therapeutic circumcision of boys is unlawful.
: {{REFjournal
* {{REFjournal
|title=The Completely Unregulated Practice of Male Circumcision: Human Rights’ Abuse Enshrined in Law?
|journal=New Male Studies
* {{REFdocument
|title=The Cologne Judgment: a curiosity or the start sign for condemning circumcision of male children without their consent as a human rights violation?
|first=Jonathan Alfons J
|publisher=European Commission
=== 2016 ===
* Professor Paul McLaughlin (2016) discusses conflicts between non-therapeutic child circumcision practice and the international law of [[human rights]].
: {{REFjournal
|last=McLaughlin Jr
* [[J. Steven Svoboda|Svoboda]], [[Peter W. Adler|Adler]], and [[Robert S. Van Howe|Van Howe]] point out that physicians have a legal duty to protect children from unnecessary interventions. They suggest that under existing United States law and international [[human rights]] declarations as well, circumcision already violates boys´ absolute rights to equal protection, bodily integrity, autonomy, and freedom to choose their own religion.
: {{REFjournal
|first=J. Steven
|author-link=J. Steven Svoboda
|first2=Peter W.
|author2-link=Peter W. Adler
|last3=Van Howe
|first3=Robert S.
|author3-link=Robert S. Van Howe
|title=Circumcision is Unethical and Unlawful
|journal=The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
* [[Peter W. Adler|Adler]], [[Robert S. Van Howe|Van Howe]], Wisdom & Daase (2020) examined male non-therapeutic circumcision as fraud.
: {{REFjournal
=== 2024 ===
* {{REFweb
|title=Foreskins and Forefathers: A Constitutional Case Against Circumcision
|publisher=Intact America
=== Boldt v. Boldt ===The two briefs indexed here were filed by [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]] with the Oregon Supreme Court in the case of [[Boldt v. Boldt]], where they proved instrumental in changing the direction of that case. They have an excellent summary of American Constitutional law relevant to the non-therapeutic circumcision of male children.
* {{REFdocument
|first=John V.
|author-link=John V. Geisheker |publisher=[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]]
|first=JohnV. |author-link=John V. Geisheker |publisher=[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]]
}}</ref> === Hironimus v. Nebus ===
* {{REFdocument
|title=Brief of Amici Curiae to the Florida Court of Appeal for the Fourth Circuit
==Video presentation==
=== London barrister [ James Chegwidden] discusses the gradual progress of the English courts toward recognition of [[genital autonomy ]] for boys.===
* James Chegwidden. [ Not drowning, paddling: the English Court’s slow row towards genital autonomy]. Fourteenth International Symposium. Keele, England, Wednesday, 14 September 2016.
* [[Australia]]* [[Canada]]* [[Human rights| International Human Rights Law]]* [[United Kingdom]]* [[United States of America]]
This index at ARC includes papers on medical ethics.
* [ Published papers authored by Executive Director Steven Svoboda and other ARC associates]
[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)]] also maintains a list of legal commentaries.
* {{REFweb
|author-link=Holm Putzke
}}The [[Genital Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund]] has provided a page with resources for attorneys. * {{REFweb |url= |title=Resources for Attorneys |last=Anonymous |first= |init= |publisher=GALDEF |formatdate=2023 |quoteaccessdate=2023-08-10
[[Category:Legal commentscomment]]
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