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Twelfth International Symposium

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* '''Peter Ball''', {{MA}}, MB, BChair, a retired family practitioner, is Vice Chair of NORM-UK and an Intactivist. He has produced a video, Restoration in Focus, to aid men interested in non-surgical restoration and has represented NORM-UK on television and numerous radio stations, including the BBC. Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK.
* '''John Dalton''', BSc, MSc{{MS}}, CRADP is a Safety and Environment consultant working in the nuclear sector. He is a member of one of the UK Health Research Agency’s Research Ethics Committees and a founder Trustee of NORM-UK. Recently he has become a Trustee of Genital Autonomy, and he has had an active role in planning the symposium. Cumbria, UK.
* '''[[Brian Earp]]''' is a Research Associate at the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford, where he conducts research in psychology, philosophy, and ethics. Brian’s undergraduate degree is from Yale University, where he was elected President of the Yale Philosophy Society and served as Editor-in-Chief of both the ''Yale Philosophy Review'' and the ''International Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology''. His empirical research garnered the Robert G. Crowder Prize from the Department of Psychology, and received coverage by the BBC, ''New Scientist'', and dozens of leading international newspapers, from the ''Times of India'' to the ''Sydney Morning Herald''. Brian’s graduate training is from the University of Oxford, where he was a Henry Fellow at New College, and runner-up for the Demuth Prize in Science Writing. Currently, Brian is guest editing a special issue of the ''Journal of Medical Ethics'' on the topic of religiously motivated circumcision, and with the Chair of Practical Ethics at Oxford, Professor Julian Savulescu, is writing a book on the ethics of neuro-enhancement. Oxford, UK.
* '''Julius Kaggwa''' is Director of Support Initiative for People with atypical sex Development (SIPD), a project working to promote human rights protection and holistic support for intersex children and adults. He is also a lead player of the civil society coalition on human rights and constitutional law, which is at the forefront of campaigning against the anti-homosexuality bill that was recently tabled before the Ugandan parliament. Born and raised in Uganda, Julius is a human rights advocate who has done extensive independent research in the fields of genders and sexualities, as well as engaged widely in advocating for the human rights of intersex people and other sexual minorities in Uganda and throughout Africa. While SIPD’s main offices are located in Kampala, our work is community-based and we are currently working in 25 districts of Uganda scattered across the Central, Eastern, Northern, and Western regions of the country. Julius is commended for his sensitive and professional approach to community engagement and education on matters of sexuality, sexual diversity, sexual health, and gender identities from a human rights perspective. Kampala, Uganda, Africa.
* '''Maarit Kuoppala''', MSc{{MS}}, has been a volunteer breastfeeding-support mother and lactivist since 1997. She is the Executive Director of the Breastfeeding Support Association in Finland. Espoo, Finland.
* '''Malla Laiti''' is the Planning Coordinator in Regional Administery State. She is working at Roma affairs in Southern Finland. This area shelters about half the Roma people in Finland. Vantaa, Finland.
* '''Jussi Nissinen''' is a psychotherapist and the Executive Director of the Sexpo Foundation. Helsinki, Finland.
* '''Sirkka Pietiläinen''', {{RN}}, RM, MSc {{MS}} (Health care), is a midwife at the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Senior Lecturer, MSC{{MS}}, and Specialist on Sexological Counselling. Helsinki, Finland.
* '''Olli Pohjakallio''' earned his law degree in 1987 and then worked in law offices and as a judge in the City Court of Helsinki. Since 1995, he has practiced civil law in his own office, Advise, in Helsinki, Finland. That same year, he finished his post graduate diploma of International Master of Laws. In his practice, he has represented several clients in relation to sex crimes and child custody matters. Attorney Olli Pohjakallio has been lecturing about sex crimes in Sexpo Foundation since 2004. He has been a member of the board since 2007. This year, he was elected Vice Chairman of the Board. Helsinki, Finland.
* '''Franco Viviani''', {{PhD}}, FISPPA, University of Padua. Padua, Italy.
* '''Arja Voipio''', MSc {{MS}}, ({{BA}}), is a human rights advocate. She has been involved in promoting the human rights and proper medical care for transgender and intersex people. She is currently the vice chair of Trasek, a Finnish human rights NGO specialising in transgender and intersex issues. She is also the chair of the transgender working group of Seta, the Finnish LGBTI federation. She has made her professional career in finance, financial supervision, and IT. Helsinki, Finland.
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