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Genital mutilation

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Female circumcision: using UNI template
There is no support for female circumcision in Islamic theology, but it has been passively tolerated in countries where it has been practiced for millennia. Recently there has been an active outlawing of the {{W|female genital cutting}} by Islamic scholars.
In November 2006, [[TARGET]] organized and funded a conference at {{UNI|Al-Azhar University |Azhar}} in Cairo. As a result of this conference, leading Islamic legal scholars condemned the practice of female genital mutilation.
In March 2009, the Islamic legal scholar and publicist Yusuf Abdallah al-Qaradawi, who is considered the most important contemporary authority in Sunni [[Islam]], issued a fatwa condemning the genital mutilation of women as "the work of the devil" and declaring it haram under all circumstances (prohibited) because it is directed against the ethics of Islam.<ref>{{REFnews
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