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Brit Shalom

4 bytes added, 16:35, 2 May 2022
'''Brit shalom''' (ברית שלום ("covenant of peace"), also called '''alternative brit''' (or bris in Yiddish and Ashkenazi Hebrew), '''brit ben''', '''brit chayim''' or '''brit tikkun''' is a naming ceremony for newborn Jewish boys that does not involve [[circumcision]]. It is intended to replace the traditional [[Brit Milah|brit milah]], and is promoted by groups such as [[Beyond the Bris]] and [[Jews Against Circumcision]]. The term is generally not used for girls, since their naming ceremony does not involve genital cutting.
Brit shalom is recognized by the [[Society for Humanistic Judaism]], but not by any group generally considered to be a part of mainstream [[Judaism]].
The first brit shalom ceremony was conducted by Rabbi Sherwin Wine, the founder of the [[Society for Humanistic Judaism]], around 1970.<ref name="Little-known">Jonah Lowenfeld: ''[ Little-known non-cutting ritual appeals to some who oppose circumcision].'' In: Jewish Journal. 2. August 2011</ref>

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