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Gliding action

42 bytes added, 09:23, 19 June 2022
The term "'''Gliding action'''" is used to describe the way the [[foreskin]] moves during [[sexual intercourse]]. The foreskin is internally lubricated with body fluid, so it glides frictionlessly over the shaft and [[Preputial mucosa|inner layer]] of foreskin. This mechanism was described by Lakshamanan & Prakash (1980), stating that "[t]he outer layer of the prepuce in common with the [[shaft skin|skin of the shaft]] of the [[penis ]] glides freely in a to and fro fashion..."<ref>{{REFjournal
[[Kristen O'Hara|O'Hara]] (2002) describes the gliding action, stating that it reduces friction during [[sexual intercourse]], and suggesting that it adds "''immeasurably to the comfort and pleasure of both parties''".<ref>{{REFbook
|accessdate=2022-06-19}}</ref> and speculates (2003) that the stretching of the [[frenulum]] by the rearward [[gliding action ]] during penetration triggers ejaculation.<ref>{{REFjournal
}}</ref> When the [[foreskin ]] glides, all of the [[skin]] of the penis moves, so stimulation of the [[Meissner's corpuscles]] in the [[skin]] ''occurs over the whole length of the penis''.<ref name="garcía-mesa2021">{{REFjournal

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