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Adolescent and adult circumcision

16 bytes added, 12:07, 27 June 2022
'''Adolescent and adult circumcision''' is rare when compared to the millions upon millions of medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic circumcisions of boys that are carried out in Islamic nations, Israel, the [[United States]], and elsewhere.
All circumcisions are injurious because they amputate a [ multi-functional body part], but in rare cases the benefit obtained by removing a deformed, diseased, or damaged foreskin may be of more value than the amputated [[foreskin]].
* Deformed foreskins — The common type of deformed foreskin is the narrow non-retractable foreskin of [[phimosis]]. Circumcision is was the traditional treatment for phimosis, however circumcision is less performed today because newer conservative treatments are now available that preserve the foreskin and its many useful functions.
* Diseased foreskins — Diseases for which circumcision may be indicated include [[Penile cancer|malignant tumor]],[[Balanitis xerotica obliterans| lichen sclerosis]], recurrent yeast infection in diabetic males (after conservative treatment fails),<ref name="verma2011">{{REFjournal
===Dorsal slit===
[[Dorsal slit]] is a cut on the top of the foreskin to widen the operningopening, allowing the foreskin to retract and fall below the shaft of the penis. Dorsal slit does not cut around and does not remove tissue, so it is not a true circumcision. Dorsal slit is a first step in the circumcision of a phimotic foreskin by the sleeve technique.<ref name="holman1999" />
===Sleeve technique===
In regard to complications, Holman & Stuessi reported:
As with any surgical procedure, [[bleeding]] and [[infection ]] are probably the most common complications of circumcision in adult patients; however, accurate statistics are not available. Other complications include hematoma formation, diffuse swelling, pain from inadequate anesthesia, poor cosmesis, tearing of the sutures due to [[erection]] before healing is complete and anesthetic complications. Some patients may also note an unpleasant heightened sensitivity during intercourse. Infection can be treated with local or parenteral antibiotics, depending on the severity of the infection. [[Bleeding]] can be controlled with pressure, an absorbable gelatin sponge product (i.e., Gelfoam), electrocautery or ligatures. None of these techniques can be preferentially recommended based on differences in complication rate or severity.<ref name="holman1999" />
[[Lymphoedema]] of the [[penis ]] is a normal and expected [[complication ]] of male adult circumcision due to the adverse effect on blood circulation. Ferhatoglu et al. (2019) reported edema in 108 of 198 patients or 54.5 percent.<ref>{{REFjournal

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