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Bernhard Stier

2,759 bytes added, 09:14, 15 August 2022
created from German and translated
Dr. '''Bernhard J. M. Stier''' from Butzbach, Germany, is a pediatrician and author.

For the [[BVKJ|Professional Association of Pediatricians]] he has authored the brochure "Man, oh man - That goes below the belt line!" and the flyer <q><q>Pay attention to your nuts</q> - information for boys written for self-examination</q>.<ref name=Zieriacks>{{REFweb
|title=Für Jungs Mann, oh Mann, das geht unter die Gürtellinie
|publisher=Dr. med. Petra Zieriacks

Stier has been working intensively on the specific health problems of male adolescents for a long time. Brochures meet the needs of male teenagers to be able to anonymously acquire knowledge on "such topics".<ref name=Zieriacks/> Together with his daughter he has also published a book about puberty (see below).<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Die Pubertät geht auch vorbei…
|trans-title=Puberty too shall pass...
|publisher=Wetterauer Zeitung

* {{REFbook
|title=Jungen und Gesundheit: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch für Medizin, Psychologie und Pädagogik
|trans-title=Boys and Health: An Interdisciplinary Handbook of Medicine, Psychology, and Education
|author-link=Bernhard Stier
* {{REFbook
|title=Manual Jungenmedizin: Orientierungshilfe für Pädiater, Hausärzte und Urologen
|trans-title=Manual for young people: guidance for paediatricians, general practitioners and urologists
|author-link=Bernhard Stier
|publisher=Springer Medizin
* {{REFbook
|title=Abenteuer Pubertät. Was sich die Natur dabei gedacht hat
|trans-title=Adventure Puberty. What nature was thinking about it
|author-link=Bernhard Stier

* {{URLwebsite||2022-08-15}}


{{DEFAULTSORT:Stier, Bernhard}}




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