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Twelfth International Symposium

4 bytes added, 14:47, 25 August 2022
wikify Informed consent
* '''Martti Laiti''', a sales manager in the metal industry,was born near the Norwegian border in North Finland. He is the husband of Malla Laiti. Vantaa, Finland.
* '''Donna Rigney Macris''', {{RN}}, {{CNM}}, is a decades-long [[human rights]] activist in issues of [[genital integrity]]. She has served on the Board of Directors of NOCIRC, was a co-founder of the International Symposia on Circumcision, and co-authored the ''[[Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision (1989)| Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision]]''. Her writings on the issue of circumcision, the rights of infants and children, and the functions of male genitalia have been published. She has spoken nationally and internationally, promoting conscientious objector status for nurses and midwives in opposition to newborn circumcision. She has been guest faculty in midwifery programs, including {{UNI|Stanford University|SU}}’s ''Women’s Health Care Training Project''. Her Master’s Degree Research at {{UNI|Saint Louis University|SLU}} centered upon [[informed consent ]] for circumcision. Fresno, {{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''[[Paul Mason]]''' has worked for more than three decades as a family law solicitor and barrister. He was Commissioner for Children for the Australian State of Tasmania 2007-2010. The Commissioner is an appointment notionally independent of the elected Government, responsible for advising it about all matters concerning children and raising public awareness about them. He is deeply committed to the [[human rights]] of children and a strong believer in their capacity to make intelligent contributions to all decisions affecting themselves. In 2009, he became, with Dr. Comfort Momoh, MBE, inaugural co-Patron of the international charity [[Genital Autonomy]]. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
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