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}}</ref> The acroposthion was is commonly called "'''snout'''" or "'''overhang'''". The acroposthion is considered to contribute to male beauty.
== Can be present, but does not have to be ==
The acropostion is literally the part of the [[foreskin]] that not only covers the [[glans]] when not erect, but also stands over in front of the [[glans]] like a tip and serves as a reserve [[skin]] for the erect state. It is also mockingly called "trunk" or sometimes. There is nothing unnatural about the presence or absence of an acropostion acroposthion in the [[foreskin]]. Male genitals are just as different as female genitals.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=NSFW: Gallery
[[Frederick M. Hodges| Frederick Mansfield Hodges]], D. Phil., (2001) describes the acroposthion:
As would be expected in a culture that valued the prepuce, the Greek language reflected this esteem through precise terminology. The Greeks understood the prepuce to be composed of two distinct structures: the posthe (ποσθη) and the akroposthion (ακροπσθτου). Posthe designates that part of the prepuce that covers the glans penis, but Greek writers occasionally used this word (or any of its variations, such as ποσθιη or ποσθια) in a general sense to designate the entire prepuce or, by extension, the entire penis. ''Akroposthion '' (or any of its alternative forms, such as ''ακροποσθια '' and ''ακροποσθιη'') designates the tapered, tubular, visually defining portion of the prepuce that extends beyond the glans and terminates at the preputial orifice. When we speak of the iconographic representation of the long prepuce, we are really speaking of the long akroposthion for the posthe can never be larger than the unchanging surface area of the underlying glans penis.<ref>{{REFjournal
|first=Frederick M.
== Functional value ==
The [[ridged band]] of highly innervated tissue is found inside the acroposthion.<ref name="taylor1996">{{TaylorJR LockwoodAP TaylorAJ 1996}}</ref> Winkelmann (1959) classified the foreskin, which includes the acroposthion, as "specific erogenous tissue".<ref name="winklemann1959">{{WinkelmannRK 1959}}</ref> The acroposthion, like the rest of the [[foreskin]], is heavily endowed with [[Meissner's corpuscles]], which respond to mechanical stimulation by producing pleasurable sexual sensation.<ref name="garcía-mesa2021">{{REFjournal
}}</ref> The additional length of skin provided by the acroposthion enhances the [[gliding action]]. The acroposthion may be gradually lengthened over time by [[tissue expansion]].
Moreover, the acroposthion protects the [[glans penis]] and helps to prevent [[keratinization]], while preserving sensitivity. It has also been observed that the acroposthion is useful for containing [[pre-ejaculate]].
|title=The art of the ancient Greek penis
| last=Anonymous
|publisher=Mentor in Greece

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