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Circumcision industry

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|quote=Each year, an estimated 1.4 million baby boys are circumcised in American medical settings. Intact America estimates that if circumcision solicitations were to cease, 600,000 boys—and the men they will become—would be spared every year from the [[trauma]] and lifelong consequences of the procedure.
 == Physicians==
The physicians are primarily those who practice in the areas of general practice, obstetrics, pediatrics, or urology.
== Medical journals ==Medical journals are mostly those journals which focus on obstetrics, pediatrics, family practice, or urology and publish biased articles to promote the practice and to secure third-party insurance coverage of the medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic surgery.
The profits are amazingly large. Bollinger (2012) estimated annual intake from the performance of medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic circumcision to be $$3,647,000,000.<ref name="bollinger2012">{{REFweb

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