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40 bytes added, 13 April
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== Germany ==
2010: On November 4, 2010 a Muslim doctor [[circumcised]] an at the time four-year-old boy of Muslim parents at their request on the rules of medical art in his practice. Strong [[haemorrhage]] resulted in that the mother brought the boy on November 6, 2010, in the {{UNI|University of Cologne Hospital|UKoeln}}, where the [[bleeding]] could be stopped. The ''Süddeutsche Zeitung '' reported that the treatment after the [[circumcision]] was carried out "in general anesthesia". The boy had come for several days in a children's ward. Three dressing changes have also taken place in anesthesia. The doctor's letter also states the exposed [[penis ]] surface and the [[glans ]] were "uneven, corroded and fibrinous". The boy had been for ten days in clinical treatment over all.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Beschneidungs-Urteil des Landgerichts Köln: Vierjähriger Junge war mehrfach in Narkose
== Sweden ==
2019: The Swedish newspaper ''Svenska Dagbladet '' reports that the doctor Peter Borenstein has [[circumcised]] thousands of boys with sugar solution as the only anesthetic.<ref name="SVD2019">{{REFjournal
|title=Läkare utreds – sprider ovetenskapliga påståenden
It is expected that the IVO will impose sanctions.
{{SEEALSO}}* [[Sweden]]

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