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American Academy of Family Physicians

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The AAFP does not recognize the infant boy as a human person with [[human rights]]. The AAFP does not discuss the conflict of interest between the infant boy's rights to his [[physical integrity| bodily integrity]], his [[foreskin]], his [[human rights]], and his well-being; and the family physician's interest in maximizing his income.
== Current AAFP position statement ==
The current AAFP position statement, [ Neonatal Circumcision], was reviewed in October 2023. It seems little changed since 2012. There still is no recognition of the infant boy's personhood and his rights to [[physical integrity]] and self-determination.<ref name="myers2020">{{REFjournal
|author-link=Alex Myers
|author2-link=Brian D. Earp
|title=What is the best age to circumcise? A medical and ethical analysis
|journal=J Biosoc Sci
The statement also claims "potential" health benefits, while failing to state that a "potential" health benefit is an unproven, imaginary benefit.
The statement continues the plea for insurance coverage of unnecessary, non-therapeutic circumcision, which actually is a plea for [[Financial incentive| more money for doctors]].
The claims made are not documented with citations, nor is there an actual recommendation for [[circumcision]]. The statement continues the practice of trying to shift liability from the physician to the parents, for the known [[pain]], [[trauma]], and certain [[injury]] by [[amputation]] of a [[Foreskin| multi-functional body part]].
* [[Circumcision study flaws]]
* [[United States of America]]
* {{URLwebsite||2023-11-14}}

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