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<!--Professor Boyle delivered the keynote address, "''Ending the forced genital cutting of children and the violation of their [[human rights]]: Ethical, psychological and legal considerations''", at the [[Sixth International Symposium]] on Genital Integrity: Safeguarding Fundamental Human Rights in the 21st Century at the {{UNI|University of Sydney|USYD}}, 7-9 December 2000.
Dr. '''{{FULLPAGENAME}}'''. B.Sc.(Hons), Dip.Ed., M.Ed., {{MA}}, {{PhD}} (Delaware), {{PhD}} (Melbourne), {{DSc}} (Queensland), {{FAPS}}, is an eminent Australian research psychologist with numerous peer-reviewed publications concerning the psychosexual injuries resulting from the imposition of non-therapeutic male [[circumcision]] on non-consenting, defenceless infants and children.
Dr. Boyle served as Professor of Psychology at {{UNI|Bond University|BOND}} for over 20 years, and Associate Dean for Research for several years. A Fellow of both the [https://www.psychology.org.au/ Australian Psychological Society] and the [https://www.psychologicalscience.org/ Association for Psychological Science] (former American Psychological Society), Dr. Boyle has received the [https://buros.org/distinguished-reviewers Buros Institute of Mental Measurements Distinguished Reviewer Award] and was honored with conferral of a prestigious Doctor of Science degree from the {{UNI|University of Queensland, Australia|UQ}}. In addition to giving invited talks at many leading overseas’ institutions including Princeton, Stanford, and Oxford, Dr. Boyle has contributed well over 250 publications, is co-author of scholarly books. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed psychology, medical, and medico-legal journals on the lifelong psychosexual harm caused by the genital mutilation termed [[circumcision]].-->
In addition, Dr. Boyle is member of the Advisory Board of [[Your Whole Baby]].
* {{BoyleGJ HillG 2011}}
* {{REFjournal
{{DEFAULTSORT:Boyle, Gregory}}