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Nebus v. Hironimus

34 bytes added, 2 March
'''Nebus vs. Hironimus ''' is a current case in South Florida where two parents have a long drawn fight over the [[genital integrity]] of their child.
C.R.N.H. was born in 2010. The parents, [[Dennis Nebus]] and [[Heather Hironimus]], were never married. In December of 2010, Nebus filed for paternity.
== State case ==
In 2014, Nebus decided to move ahead with the [[circumcision]]. By then, Hironimus had researched the topic of circumcision and decided that she didn't want her son to be subjected to the procedure. Hironimus claimed that in a previous surgery C.R.N.H. had problems waking from the anesthesia, and she feared that the mandatory general anesthesia could cause the child's death. C.R.N.H. had also shown to have scarring issues, which also create a concern for the circumcision.
Nebus claimed that C.R.N.H. wet his leg during [[urination]], something he attributed to [[phimosis ]] and expected to cure with the circumcision.
A medical expert, Dr. Charles Flack, testified that C.R.N.H. had no need for the circumcision. Flack also listed some of the common benefits, including the (incorrect) statement that penile cancer only occurs on [[uncircumcised]] males, and the claim reduction of [[HIV]] infection.
Gillen ordered Hironimus to sign the consent forms, and stated that if she did not sign, Nebus signature would suffice to perform the procedure. Gillen also ordered Hironimus not to express in any way to C.R.N.H. her disagreement with the circumcision.
Hironimus set up a donation page to fund an appeal. Nebus objected to the fundraiser. A gag order was imposed. [[Intactivists ]] then set up their own fundraiser to help Hironimus appeal.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Courts hear parents battle over circumcision
On May 22th, Hironimus appeared before Judge Gillen, who demanded she signed the consent form for circumcision. Hironimus initially declined. Gillen informed her that she would be detained indefinitely until she signs the agreement. Hironimus then changed her mind, and signed the papers handcuffed and visibly altered. Photos of her signature focused on the distressed expression of Hironimus.
The attorney for Nebus requested permission to remove C.R.N.H. from Florida in order to schedule the circumcision, arguing that the involvement from the [[intactivist ]] community created particular risks and made the scheduling of the procedure more difficult. The previous parental agreement is now void, and Nebus is not required to inform Hironimus of the procedure, in advance or afterwards.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Crying and shackled, mother consents to son’s circumcision after being jailed
On June 8th, Thomas Hunker filed an urgent motion seeking an injunction to halt the procedure, scheduled by Nebus to be performed by Dr. Gary Birken at the [ Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital] on Thursday June 11th.
The motion claimed that medical records said the boy has [[pain ]] and inflammation in his [[penis ]] and said she was concerned because the boy didn’t have these symptoms before custody was transferred from her to the father, Dennis Nebus, 47, of Boca Raton.
She is concerned that “someone may have harmed the child’s genitals in order to produce these symptoms,” the motion said.

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