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Twenty-first century articles: Add article.
====Twentieth century articles====
* {{REFbook
* {{REFjournal
|title=Stress and neonatal sleep
|journal=Psychosom Med
|quote=Routine circumcision, done without anesthesia in the newborn nursery was usually followed by prolonged nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.
|pubmedID= 5148980
* {{REFjournal
|title=The effects of circumcision on sleep-wake states in human neonates
|journal=Psychosom Med
|quote=Thus the effect of circumcision in our infant population was an immediate and significant increase in wakefulness, particularly in fussy crying, during the hour following the procedure, and a decreased sleep onset latency time in a recovery period 1.5-7 hr later.
* {{REFjournal
|quote=It was only in the last three years that American parents discovered the longstanding practice of surgeons to operate on infants without the use of painkillers (Birth, June 1986, Letters, 124-125). Adding horror to this discovery, parents uncovered the fact that major surgery on premature infants and children up to 15 months of age was typically done with the aid of curare (Pavulon) which paralyzes them but does not relieve pain. Thus, while experiencing the surgery fully, it was not possible for them to move or to utter a cry of alarm!
* {{REFjournal
|author-link=Theodore J. Gaensbauer
|title=Trauma in the preverbal period
|journal=Psychoanalytic Study of the Child
|quote=At every age, traumatic memories and their associated affects can become powerful organizing elements within the psyche, coloring every aspect of a person’s psychological functioning.
* {{REFjournal
|title=Fetal memory: Does it exist? What does it do?
|journal=Acta Pædiatrica Supplement (Stockholm)
* {{TaddioA KatzJ IlersichAL KorenG 1997}}
* {{REFjournal
|title=The Psychological Impact of Circumcision
|journal=BJU Int
|volume=83, Suppl. 1
* {{REFjournal
|title=Neonatal circumcision reconsidered
|journal=Tranactional Analysis Journal
====Twenty-first century articles====* {{REFbook |last=Ramos |first=Samuel |init=S |author-link= |last2=Boyle |first2=Gregory J. |init2=GJ |author2-link=Gregory J. Boyle |year=2001 |title=Ritual and medical circumcision among Filipino boys: evidence of post-traumatic stress disorder |url= |work=Understanding circumcision: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to a Multi-Dimensional Problem |editor=Denniston GC, Hodges FM, Milos M |edition= |volume= |chapter= |pages=253-70 |location=New York |publisher=Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers |isbn= |quote= |accessdate=2024-06-23 |note=}}
* {{REFjournal
* [[Pain]]

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