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|quote=It was only in the last three years that American parents discovered the longstanding practice of surgeons to operate on infants without the use of painkillers (Birth, June 1986, Letters, 124-125). Adding horror to this discovery, parents uncovered the fact that major surgery on premature infants and children up to 15 months of age was typically done with the aid of curare (Pavulon) which paralyzes them but does not relieve pain. Thus, while experiencing the surgery fully, it was not possible for them to move or to utter a cry of alarm!
* {{REFjournal
|last=van der Kolk
|author-link=Bessel van der Kolk
|title=The biological mechanisms and treatment of intrusion and numbing
|journal=Anxiety Research
|quote=This article relates these findings to the studies which have demonstrated clear linkages between childhood trauma, and a variety of psychiatric disorders, including borderline personality disorder, and a range of self-destructive behaviors.
* {{REFjournal
* {{TaddioA KatzJ IlersichAL KorenG 1997}}
* {{REFjournal
|title=Surgery and loss of body parts
|quote=The loss of body parts can give rise to grief for loss of body image or function, or both.
|pubmedID= 9552917
* {{REFjournal
|title=Facing loss
|quote=Although the death of a spouse or child is a public event that seldom goes unrecognised, many other types of loss do not attract attention or support to those who suffer them. This has been called disenfranchised grief.
* {{REFjournal
* {{REFjournal
|author-link=George Hill
|title=Circumcision and Human Behavior: The emotional and behavioral effects of circumcision
|journal=Genital Wholeness
* {{REFjournal

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