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Circumcision Resource Center

94 bytes added, 24 April
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The organization '''"Circumcision Resource Center"''' has been was founded in 1991 as to be a valuable source of male [[circumcision]] information for parents and children's advocates; childbirth educators and allied professionals; medical, mental health, and academic people; Jews; and others.
== Facebook page ==
The Facebook page '''"Circumcision Resource Center"''' also offers information in order to change the attitudes of people toward [[circumcision]].
* [[United States of America]]
* {{URLwebsite||2019-09-16}}
* {{URL-FBpage|CircumcisionResourceCenter|2019-09-16}}
== External links ==[[Category:USA]]* [http[Category:// Official websiteIntactivism organization]]* [https[Category:// Facebook pageUSA]]
[[de:Circumcision Resource Center]]

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