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| Title= | Text=Those [[circumcised ]] men who feel they were seriously cheated in being deprived of their foreskins may be interested in an article in the latest (November 21) issue of ''The Advocate '' on [[foreskin restoration]].
Basically, the article describes a plausible-sounding technique for restoring the functionality of a [[foreskin ]] by [[stretching ]] the residual [[skin ]] of the {*filter*}[[penis]]. It is promoted by a doctor named Mark Waring who documented the techniques in a 64-page booklet called Foreskin Restoration (Uncircumcision), available from (hope it's okay to post this):
:Second Skin Books<br>
:New Orleans, LA 70116
for $14.95 plus $1.25 postage and handling. Supposedly a new, bigger, illustrated publication on the same subject is due out next year. Dr. Waring said he got the idea after seeing a program on an African tribe whose members stretch their lips and earlobes. The technique supposedly takes about *three years* of continual effort to achieve complete coverage of the [[glans]], but if you feel seriously handicapped by the lack of a [[foreskin]], well, it might be worth putting your money where ... uh ...
Disclaimer: I know nothing more about this technique than I read in the article. Furthermore, I'm female and unlikely to be partaking in any of this myself :-). But it seems very pertinent to the recurring discussions. Get the article or the book for yourself (and monitor these newsgroups) for further information and debate! - Susan (1993) | Author=Susan Co | Source=Message on a BB | ref=<ref>{{REFweb |url=http://www.science-bbs.com/126-med/711a94954195389f.htm |title=Uncircumcision |last=Co |first=Susan |publisher=Science Forums |website=science-bbs |date=1993-04-19 |accessdate=2020-01-28}}</ref>
* [[Circumcision]]
* [[Foreskin]]
* [[Penis]]
* [[Basics of foreskin restoration]]
* [[Foreskin restoration]]
* [[Surgical foreskin restoration]]
* [[:Category:Film about foreskin restoration]]
* [[Literature about foreskin restoration]]
* https://www.eskimo.com/~gburlin/restore/jae/books.html
[[Category:Foreskin restoration]]
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