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303 bytes added, 09:19, 16 June 2021
retrieved URL - still 404
'''PflegeWiki''' is a German Wiki website which is supported by the DBfK<ref></ref> (Deutscher Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe, ''German Professional Association of Nursing'').
In a large article<ref></ref>, the PflegeWiki takes a clear position against medically not indicated "[[circumcision]]" on minors. According to information from DBfK ({{date|2020-03-25}}), the site is operated by the DBfK Regional Association Northwest in Hannover and is actually only supposed to be in maintenance mode at the moment. It is irritating that even the Facebook page of the PflegeWiki is currently not available.
* [{{URLwebsite| Official website]|2021-06-16|Maintenance}}* [{{URL-FBpage| Facebook page]|2021-06-16|404}}
administrator, administrators, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators

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