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==Penile synechia in childhood==
Øster (1968) was a school physician in Denmark where boys are not usually circumcised. Øster conducted regular examinations of school boys from age 6 through age 17 and recorded his results. Øster reported that 63% of 6-7 year old boys; 48% of 10-11 year old boys; and 3% of 16-17 year old boys had a prepuce that was not fully separated.<refname="Øster1968">{{REFjournal |last=Øster
|title=Further fate of the foreskin: incidence of preputial adhesions, phimosis, and smegma among Danish schoolboys
}}</ref> The separation and breakdown and the synechia is natural, normal, spontaneous, and requires no special care. Thorvaldsen & Meyhoff (2005) report about 50 percent of boys can retract their foreskin by age 10.4, thus confirming Øster's report.<refname-"thorvaldsen2005">{{REFjournal

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