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They These [[intactivists]] believe that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, gender, ethnicity, size, background, family, or ability to defend themselves, come into this world with the basic human right to [[genital autonomy]]. That is: to make personal decisions about what happens to our genitals in absence of medical necessity.
* [[Intact Kansas City]]
== External links ==[[Category:Jewish]][[Category:Mormon]]* [http[Category://www.intactnetwork.org/ Official websiteMuslim]]
no edit summary
'''The Intact Network''' aims at offering a collective and comprehensive database of all [[intact ]] related materials available to the public.
The Intact Network serves to unify advocates for [[genital autonomy ]] coming from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, groups and current locations in life.
While they each approach [[intact ]] related work from a different standpoint, and in their own unique ways, they have One Mission: to bring an end to the genital cutting of minors and ensure [[genital autonomy ]] for all.
== Network pages ==
* [[Intact Alabama]]
* [[Intact Alaska]]
* [[Intact Alberta]]
* [[Intact Arizona]]
* [[Intact Arkansas]]
* [[Intact Asheville]]
* [[Intact Augusta]]
* [[Intact Austin]]
* [[Intact Australia]]
* [[Intact Bend]]
* [[Intact British Columbia]]
* [[Intact California]]
* [[Intact Canada]]
* [[Intact Cedar Valley]]
* [[Intact Charlotte]]
* [[Intact Charlottesville]]
* [[Intact Chattanooga]]
* [[Intact Chicago]]
* [[Intact Cleveland]]
* [[Intact Colorado]]
* [[Intact Connecticut]]
* [[Intact Corpus Christi]]
* [[Intact Culpeper]]
* [[Intact D.C.]]
* [[Intact Delaware]]
* [[Intact Des Moines]]
* [[Intact Detroit]]
* [[Intact Fayetteville]]
* [[Intact Flint]]
* [[Intact Florida]]
* [[Intact Fort Dodge]]
* [[Intact Georgia]]
* [[Intact Germany]]
* [[Intact Ghana]]
* [[Intact Grand Island]]
* [[Intact Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point]]
* [[Intact Hawaii]]
* [[Intact Houston]]
* [[Intact Idaho]]
* [[Intact Illinois]]
* [[Intact Indiana]]
* [[Intact Iowa City]]
* [[Intact Iowa]]
* [[Intact Iowa Kalamazoo]]* [[Intact Kansas City]]
* [[Intact Kansas]]
* [[Intact Kentucky]]
* [[Intact Kenya]]
* [[Intact Knoxville]]
* [[Intact Latino Network]]
* [[Intact Lincoln]]
* [[Intact Louisiana]]
* [[Intact Maine]]
* [[Intact Maryland]]
* [[Intact Massachusetts]]
* [[Intact Maui]]
* [[Intact Memphis]]
* [[Intact Michigan- Great Lakes Bay]]
* [[Intact Michigan - The Thumb]]
* [[Intact Michigan - Tip of the Mitt]]
* [[Intact Michigan]]
* [[Intact Minnesota]]
* [[Intact Mississippi]]
* [[Intact Nebraska]]
* [[Intact Nevada]]
* [[Intact New Brunswick]]
* [[Intact New Hampshire]]
* [[Intact New Jersey]]
* [[Intact New Mexico]]
* [[Intact New York]]
* [[Intact Newfoundland and Labrador]]
* [[Intact North Carolina]]
* [[Intact North Dakota]]
* [[Intact Nova Scotia]]
* [[Intact NoVa]]
* [[Intact Nova ScotiaOahu]]
* [[Intact Ohio]]
* [[Intact Oklahoma]]
* [[Intact Omaha]]
* [[Intact Ontario]]
* [[Intact Orange County]]
* [[Intact Oregon]]
* [[Intact Pennsylvania]]
* [[Intact Portland]]
* [[Intact Prince Edward Island]]
* [[Intact Puerto Rico]]
* [[Intact Quebec]]
* [[Intact Rhode Island]]
* [[Intact San Diego]]
* [[Intact Saskatchewan]]
* [[Intact Seattle]]
* [[Intact South Africa]]
* [[Intact South Carolina]]
* [[Intact South Dakota]]
* [[Intact South Florida]]
* [[Intact South Korea]]
* [[Intact Student Network]]
* [[Intact Teen Network]]
* [[Intact Tennessee]]
* [[Intact Texas]]
* [[Intact Tidewater]]
* [[Intact Tri-Cities]]
* [[Intact Tucson Arizona]]
* [[Intact UK]]
* [[Intact Washington]]
* [[Intact West Virginia]]
* [[Intact Wichita Falls]]
* [[Intact Wichita]]
* [[Intact Wisconsin]]
* [[Intact Wyoming]]
== Not members of The Intact Network ==The following Facebook pages with similar names don't seem not to be linked to ''The Intact Network'':
* [[Intact Israel]]
* [[Intact Sonoma]]
* [[Intact Switzerland]]
* [[Intactness]]
* [[Intact]]
* [[Intactivism]]
* [[Israel]]
* [[United Kingdom]]
* [[United States of America]]
* {{URLwebsite|http://www.intactnetwork.org|2019-09-20}}
* {{URL-FBpage|TheIntactNetwork|2020-04-06}}
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[[Category:Intactivism organization]]
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