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Marlene Rupprecht

353 bytes added, 10:20, 14 December 2023
added Komikernation Deutschland
{{PhotoMissing}}'''Marlene Dorothe Henriette Rupprecht''' born Barth ({{LifeData|birth=1947-12-20|birthplace=Neuenbürg (Black Forest)|birthcountry=Germany}}) is a German politician ([[SPD]]). From 1996 to 2013, she was a Member of the German Bundestag.
She is was a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
In the [[Circumcision Debate|circumcision debate]] in 2012 she strongly opted for an alternative bill to the new [[German Circumcision Act|circumcision law]] § 1631d BGB. The alternative bill draft proposed to require a minimum age of 14 years for the [[circumcision]] and more specific conditions.
As the initator, she enforced a [[Resolution by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe]] in 2013, which demands that all member states should seek dialogue with religious communities to ban [[circumcision]] and other harmful rituals for children.
An interview with her about the [[Circumcision Debate]] can be found in the book [[Komikernation Deutschland]] by [[Ulf Dunkel]].
* [[Council of Europe Debate Genital Cutting Of Boys]]
* {{URLwikipedia|Marlene_Rupprecht|Marlene Rupprecht|2022-06-20||de}}
[[Category:GermanyPerson]][[Category:Female]] [[Category:Human rights]][[Category:Intactivist]]
[[de:Marlene Rupprecht]]
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