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The '''pain''' of circumcision is severe and traumatizing.
<b>None of the three procedures described above totally eliminate pain. A boy will still experience some pain with any of those procedures. Prevention of pain requires protecting a boy from elective neonatal non-therapeutic circumcision. Non-circumcised intact boys feel no pain or trauma.</b>
==Attitudes and practices regarding analgesia for newborn circumcision==
Little is known about current attitudes and practices regarding the use of analgesia in circumcision of the newborn.
Wellington & Rieder (1993) conducted a survey of physicians in London, Ontario. They found that only 4 percent used DPNB. They concluded:
Despite evidence that neonates perceive pain and that there is a physiologic stress response to circumcision which can be reduced if analgesia is employed, the vast majority of physicians performing newborn circumcisions either do not employ analgesics or employ analgesics of questionable efficacy. Lack of familiarity with the use of analgesics among neonates and with dorsal penile block in particular are the most common reasons cited for lack of analgesic use. Educational efforts and research into less invasive techniques of analgesia for newborn circumcision are urgently required.<ref>{{REFjournal
|first2=Michael J.
|title=Attitudes and practices regarding analgesia for newborn circumcision

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