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Surgical foreskin restoration

85 bytes added, 00:24, 30 December 2020
adjusted REFjournal
|first2=Michael C.
|first3=Christian G.
|journal=Medical Times
Since the 1970s a new movement of [[foreskin restoration]] has emerged mainly in the United States not originating from social, religious, or political demands. With non-therapeutic male infant circumcision being well established in America, more and more adult circumcised males are disturbed by the fact that the shape and function of their body had been altered after birth. Their main complaint is the loss of function; the prepuce is not just seen as a part of the human skin but referred to as a [[Foreskin#Sensory_functions| sensory organ]] of the body.<ref name="sorrells2007">{{REFjournal
|author5-link=Marilyn Fayre Milos
|last7=Van Howe
}}</ref> Circumcision results in a lack of this organ and furthermore in a decrease of lubrication and sensibility of the glans because of increasing keratinization of the epithelium. Others are disturbed by the outer appearance of their circumcised penis and want to regain the natural status of a covered glans for physical and emotional wholeness and aesthetic body imaging. Some are additionally irritated by the feeling of being mutilated as an infant without the chance to have a free choice of their genital status. A high percentage of these patients even resent their parents, doctors, or culture for their circumcision.<ref name="schultheiss1998" /> <ref name="watson2017">{{REFjournal
|first=LindsayR. |init=LR
|first=Willard E.
|first=Donald M.
|first2=Paul C.
|first3=Kathy M.
|title=Uncircumcising: undoing the effects of an ancient practice in a modern world
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