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Penile cancer

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Wolbarst's opinion piece led to the perpetuation of the myth that penile cancer could not happen to males that were circumcised in infancy. This myth was completely disproven when Boczko et al. (1979) reported the 9th documented case of penile cancer in a man who had been circumcised in infancy from the time of Wolbarst's opinion piece to the time of the report in 1968 (though they would maintain that "performing [circumcision] in infancy continues to be the most effective prophylactic measure against penile carcinoma").<ref name="boczko1979">Boczko S, Freed S. [ Penile carcinoma in circumcised males]. ''N Y State J Med'' 1979; 79(12):1903-4.</ref> Boczko et al. (1979) wrote: ''"The diagnosis in our patient was made late, as in the other cases reported, perhaps because the disease was presumed not to occur in those circumcised in infancy. This is clearly not so. Although rare, the diagnosis must be considered when evaluating a penile lesion even in a circumcised individual."''
In 1993, Christopher Maden, Ph.D.{{PhD}}, et al. reported a study in which 110 men with penile cancer, diagnosed from January 1979, to July, 1990, were interviewed. Of these 110 men, 22 had been circumcised at birth, 19 later in life, and 69 never.<ref>Poland R. [The question of routine neonatal circumcision]. ''New Engl J Med'' 1990; 322(18):1312-1314.</ref> As cases of penile cancer in circumcised men begin to accumulate<ref>Pec J Jr, Pec J Sr, Plank L, Plank J, Lazarova Z, Kliment J. Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis. Analysis of 24 cases. ''Int Urol Nephrol'' 1992; 24: 193-200.</ref><ref>Aynaud O, Ionesco M; Barrasso R. Penile intraepithelial neoplasia. Specific clinical features correlate with histologic and virologic findings. ''Cancer'' 1994; 74: 1762-7.</ref><ref>Bissada NK, Morcos RR, el-Senoussi M. [ Post-circumcision carcinoma of the penis. I. Clinical aspects]. ''J Urol'' 1986; 135: 283-5.</ref><ref>Rogus BJ. Squamous cell carcinoma in a young circumcised man. ''J Urol'' 1987; 138: 861-2.</ref><ref>Windahl T, Hellsten S. Laser treatment of localized squamous cell carcinoma of the penis. ''J Urol'' 1995; 154: 1020-3.</ref><ref>Leiter E, Lefkovitis AM. Circumcision and penile carcinoma. ''N Y State J Med'' 1975; 75: 1520-2.</ref><ref>Onuigbo WI. Carcinoma of skin of penis. ''Br J Urol'' 1985; 57: 465-6.</ref><ref>Korczak D, Siegel Y, Lindner A. [Verrucous carcinoma of the penis.] ''Harefuah'' 1989; 117: 436-7.
</ref><ref>Girgis AS, Bergman H, Rosenthal H, Solomon L. Unusual penile malignancies in circumcised Jewish men. ''J Urol'' 1973; 110: 696-702.</ref>, it becomes clear that the assertion that circumcision eliminates the risk of penile cancer is categorically false, although some circumcision advocates continue to make this assertion.
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