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Jette Møller

1,261 bytes added, 12:50, 30 July 2021
'''Jette Marianne Møller''' from Copenhagen is the maintainer of the [[circumcision advocate]] website [[]] which seems mainly focused on silencing [[Morten Frisch]].

She is also connected to the Danish website "SOS Racisme" (and was or is probably chairman or spokeswoman) which in 2014 has claimed not to forbid Jewish ritual circumcision on minors.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=DEBAT: Er religionsfriheden under angreb? - Om rituel slagtning og omskæring af drenge
|trans-title=DEBATE: Is religious freedom under attack? - About ritual slaughter and circumcision of boys
}}</ref> [[Morten Frisch]] then criticized they would equate child protection with racism.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Grov Racisme-Insinuation
|trans-title=Gross Racism Insinuation
|author-link=Morten Frisch

* [[Circumcision advocate]]


{{DEFAULTSORT:Moeller, Jette}}


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