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* [[Internet parental circumcision information]]
adjust REFs
Larry Sanger, a co-founder of Wikipedia in 2001, told of his embarrassment of what Wikipedia has become. Sanger called Wikipedia "a wholly unreliable source of information", speaking primarily of political narrative. Sanger appeared on the Tucker Carlson show, where he "called out the 'Wikipedia game' being played by biased and partisan editors that constantly change and shape articles on the site".<ref name="sanger2021">{{REFweb
|title=Wikipedia co-founder embarrassed over how ‘badly biased’ his former website has become
}}</ref> [https://www.heartland.org The Heartland Institute] pronounced Wikipedia to be "broken, biased, and corrupt".<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Wikipedia: The fake encyclopedia
==Information for parents==
The general public and parents in particular should be aware of these issues and seek information elsewhere. Intactiwiki IntactiWiki maintains a list of sources for parents:* [[Internet parental circumcision information]]
* {{REFweb
|title=Wikipedia and Male Circumcision
|quote=Doctors Opposing Circumcision has no confidence in the circumcision related articles at Wikipedia and does not recommend Wikipedia as a primary source of information regarding male circumcision.
* [https://imgur.com/a/wAFV7oO Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit, until running afoul of just one administrator]