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Arguments pro circumcision

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== Religious Arguments ==
=== Jewish Religion ===* '''"Circumcision is required by God."''' *: This argument is brought by the Jewish communities, with respect to a Bible text where God ordered the Israelic forefather Abraham to have all male descendants circumcised.* '''"Only the [[circumcision]] makes a boy a real Jew."'''*: Refutation: In the Jewish-religious culture, a boy becomes a Jew automatically when he is born by a Jewish mother. === Islamic Religion ===* '''"Circumcision has been recommended by the Prophet Mohammed."''' *: This argument is brought by the Muslim communities, with respect to a Sunna text of the prophet where the male circumcision is required. == Trivializing arguments ==* '''"[[Circumcision]] is similar to removing a patch."'''*: All published circumcision videos show that those who are circumcised without adequate anaesthetic treatment (anaesthesia or anaesthetic), suffer immense pain. Infants fall regularly in shock as a reaction to the pain, when being circumcised without effective anaestesia.* '''"Babies feel no pain yet, therefore should be circumcised at an early stage."'''*: This assertion is completely obsolete and refuted in many studies. In the mother's womb, children already feel pain, and even more directly after birth.* '''"Circumcision is comparable with ear piercing or other piercings."'''*: Usually any sensitive tissue or even functional body parts remove earlobes and piercings. Also earlobes and piercing holes can grow again. Therefore, this comparison is completely untenable.* '''"[[Circumcision]] is like cutting fingernails or hair."'''*: Fingernails and hair grow by themselves. This trivializing comparison of [[Circumcision|foreskin amputation]] with normal personal hygiene is untenable. 
== Medical Prophylactical Arguments ==
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against [[phimosis]]HIV/AIDS.'''
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against STDs.'''
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects : People refer over and over again to a study<ref></ref> of the [[WHO]] which should have determined that [[circumcision]] should have a 60% protection against HIV/AIDS.'''This study is sharply criticized worldwide by experts.
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against urinary tract infections (HTI).'''
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against penis cancer.'''
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against cervical cancer / HPV.'''
*: The aforementioned diseases were mentioned during the modern history of [[circumcision]] to somehow justify non-medical circumcision medically. For prevention of the diseases mentioned however, other non-destructive measures (such as hygiene, condoms, etc.) are more appropriate. America with the highest circumcision rate of all western countries has also still the highest HIV / AIDS rate in all Western countries.
* '''Circumcision supposedly protects against [[phimosis]].'''
*: There are actually medically indicated cases of [[phimosis]]. But more than 90% of them can be corrected without surgery.
== Hygienical Arguments ==
* '''"A circumcised penis can be cleaned much easier."'''
*: The cleaning of an intact or circumcised penis is equal and is not hampered by an intact foreskin.
* '''"Uncircumcised penisses always smell."'''
*: This argument assumes a flat rate poor hygiene for all intact boys and men and thus constitutes an indirect insult all intact boys and men.
== Esthetical Arguments ==
* '''"A circumcised penis looks nicer."'''
*: That is not a valid measure of [[circumcision]] on children. With the same aesthetic argument, for example, Chinese girls feet were fueled in former times, so they could barely walk as adult women because of the deformation of the feet.
== Sexual Arguments ==
* '''"Circumcised men can cum later."'''
*: In fact, many circumcised men have to work much longer for ejaculation, especially with age, because due to the lack of [[foreskin]] their [[Glans penis|glans]] is increasingly callous and unfeeling.
== Moral Arguments ==* '''"Circumcised men come laterI want to keep my boy from masturbating."'''*: Masturbation is something completely natural and part of the right to sexual self-determination.
== Moral Arguments See also ==* [[Circumcision#Non-medical_indications_for_circumcision|Circumpendium: Non-medical indications for circumcision]]
* '''"I want to keep my boy from masturbating."'''==References==<references />
[[de:Argumente für Beschneidung]]
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