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Katharina von Kellenbach

12 bytes added, 13:46, 21 December 2021
wikify genital integrity
Katharina uses double quotes when the descriptions do not match her ideal view of reality. For example in reference to the Cologne case, she uses double quotes when she writes the words "grievous bodily harm". These were the words used by the local judge in Cologne to describe the condition of the Muslim child, who had to be put under general anesthesia and operated as a result of the injuries sustained during and as a consequence of his circumcision.
=== [[Genital integrity ]] in Europe ===
Von Kellenback's article states that "''By December 2012, German lawmakers passed a law defending the right of Jewish and Muslim religious communities to circumcise their sons—though not their daughters.''"
Another common way to derail the discussion, used also by von Kellenbach, is to argue that the arguments against circumcision are simply emotional. This is simply countered by the opposition of medical associations, the existing studies showing the negative effects, not only the sexual effects, but also the [ traumatic effect of neonatal pain].
Von Kellenbach keeps trying to divide the readers by arguing that "''Feminists, who work against sexual violence, such as FGM, are '''recruited''' into campaigns to outlaw gender-neutral ritual circumcisions''". In other words, feminists do not join the movement for [[genital integrity]], they are recruited, they are deceived, with the purpose of "''criminalizing Muslim and Jewish minorities''" (and she still has the nerve to say that the arguments against circumcision are emotional!)
So basically, in von Kellenbach's view, the [[genital integrity ]] movement is created by European intact Christian men who recruit feminist women with the purpose of criminalizing Muslim and Jewish minorities. Perhaps Ms. von Kellenbach should visit the United States and speak with some of the intactivists here before writing about a movement that she evidently didn't take the time to understand and learn about.
=== Conclusions ===
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