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Thirteenth International Symposium

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wikify genital integrity
* '''[[David J. Llewellyn]]''', {{BA}}, {{JD}}, is an attorney whose practice is concentrated in genital injury litigation. He has represented numerous victims of botched circumcisions, both infant and adult, as well as victims of circumcisions performed without consent. He has also represented a number of parents who filed suits to prevent the circumcisions of their sons. He has extensive experience representing the victims of the most common forms of negligently performed circumcisions. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
* '''Donna Rigney Macris''', {{RN}}, {{CNM}}, MSN, CLNC, is a decades-long human rights activist in issues of [[genital integrity ]] who has served on the Board of Directors of NOCIRC, was a co-founder of the International Symposia on Circumcision, and co-authored the ''[[Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision (1989)| Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision]]''. Her writings on the issue of circumcision and the rights of infants and children as well as on the normal function of the male genitalia have been published. She has spoken nationally and internationally promoting conscious objector status for nurses and midwives in opposition to newborn circumcision. She has been guest faculty in midwifery programs, including {{UNI|Stanford University|SU}}’s ''Women’s Health Care Training Project''. Her Master’s Degree Research at {{UNI|St. Louis University|SLU}} centered upon informed consent for circumcision. Fresno, California, USA.
* '''Jennifer Margulis''', {{PhD}}, is an award-winning investigative journalist and a senior fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at {{UNI|Brandeis University|Brandeis}}. She is the author of the groundbreaking exposé, ''The Business of Baby''. Ashland, Oregon, USA.
* '''[[Francelle Wax]]''' began shooting ''[[American Secret]]'' in 2006, while working full time as a production manager for DC’s top political strategy firms. In June 2012, she gave notice to devote herself fully to ''American Secret'', preparing it for an initial funding round. In July 2013, she ran a successful Kickstarter that was matched by [[Intact America]]. A hobbyist around the issues of rational thought and cognitive errors, Francelle was thrilled to be able to examine this intriguing subject matter using the medium of film. New York, New York, USA.
* '''Harald Winterling''', an economist and linguist working in the transportation industry, has followed literature on [[genital integrity ]] and foreskin restoration since the early 1990s. Shocked by the amount of ignorance present in politicians’ statements in Germany following the [[Cologne circumcision court judgment| Cologne ruling]] in 2012 on what had been one of the country`s last taboos, he felt the obligation to contribute to more thorough information. Harald is one of the founding members of Germany’s first registered charity fighting for the right to [[genital integrity ]] for girls, boys, and intersexuals alike. Frankfurt, Germany.
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