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Jake H. Waskett

8 bytes added, 16:24, 28 December 2021
wikify erection
Six days ago, <span style="background:#d7f5ff">I finally got circumcised</span> by Dr. Zarifa of London. he was very
agreeable and performed at my request what looks like it will be a 'total' circumcision (ie one that is tight when flaccid and the [[skin]] completely immobile and slightly shiny when erect, with <span style="background:#d7f5ff">public hair and the scrotum pulled onto the lower shaft</span>). The scar line is about half way down my shaft when flacid (I'm still trying to minimize erections [[erection]]s so watch this space for later reports).
There is still some pain and swelling as I would expect, but everything seems to be healing ok. I'm taking a multivitamin and B and C suplements in order to help things along. I guess I'll start with vitamin E in a few days.
fill in and become a neat line, so I am trusting the mysterious processes of the
human body to do this. I'm getting a couple of drops of blood from the frenulum
area from nighttime erections[[erection]]s. The swelling is slowly going down, though it has by
no means gone.
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