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Extensive penile skin defect

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Osifo & Oriaifo (2010) reported on 346 complications of child circumcision in Nigeria. Urethrocutaneous fistula (73, [21.1%]), redundant prepuce (51, [14.7%]), hemorrhage (46, [13.3%]), glandular injury (33, [9.5%]), glandulopenile adhesion (30, [8.7%]), implantation cyst (10, [2.9%]) [Figure 1], proximal migration of plastibell ring (11, [3.2%]) and penile tissues avulsions (17, [4.9%]) were more commonly seen than glandular amputations (9, [2.6%]), transmission of infection (4, [1.2%]), local wound infections and penopubic adhesion (2, [0.6%]).<ref name="osifo2010">{{REFjournal
|title=Circumcision mishaps in Nigerian children
|journal=Ann Afr Med

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