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Lars Stephan

3 bytes added, 15:32, 30 May 2022
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I have to admid, I had a hard time writing a post this year. The topic of this year's Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy is, as you know, the history and stories of education about genital self-determination. So I thought I would first like to talk about the stories, about the suffering of those affected. So I did some research. Like the usual way I searched for articles about circumcision victims. I searched for numbers of how many children are circumcised. How many people suffer from the consequences? How doe they deal with that?
Of course, the stories of the victims should have an emotional impact. The numbers should [[shock ]]... I sorted out many stories. I had heard them all before. I thought about putting the numbers in a context to make them look big ...
And then I asked myself: <q>What am I doing here?</q> Why is the number important? Isn't every single case too much? If only one child has to suffer from the consequences? Isn't every single fate terrible? Even if we already heard hundreds of these stories?
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