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Seventh International Symposium

No change in size, 17:04, 16 July 2022
Faculty: typo
* '''[[Charles A. Bonner]]''', {{JD}}, civil rights, personal injury, and medical mal practice attorney. Sausalito, {{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''[[Mary Conant]]''', {{RN}}, nurse conscientious objector to circumcision, co-founder of Nurses for the Rights of the Child, and Director, NOCIRC of NM. Santa Fe, {{USSC|NM}}, USA.
* '''[[Amber Craig]]''', MS, Director, NOCIRC of North Carolina and coordinator, Medicaid Project. Chapel Hill, {{USSC|NYNC}}, USA.
* '''[[George C. Denniston]]''', {{MD}}, {{MPH}}, founder and Director, [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)]] and author. Norland, {{USSC|WA}}, USA.
* '''Milton Diamond''', {{PhD}}, Professor, {{UNI|University of Hawaii|UH}}, John A. Burns School of Medicine, host and co-producer, PBS TV series, Human Sexuality, President, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, and Past President, International Academy for Sex Research. Honolulu, {{USSC|HI}}, USA.

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