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Brian J. Morris

1,874 bytes added, 1 January
Bias revealed: Wikify.
{{Notebox| style="200px; background:#f8eaba; margin:0.1em 0 6px 0; border:2px solid #f28500;;" border="0" cellspacing="8" align="center" valign="top"|'''Notice:''' Brian Morris has been attempting to keep the information on this page (then on [[IntactWiki]]) from staying available to the public. On 7 March 2011, Morris attempted to remove this page; more on that [[Brian_J._Morris#CircLeaks_incident|here]]. On 26 April 2012, Morris removed information from his website and pamphlets due to information published on this page, information published about the Gilgal Society, and due to an arrest of Vernon Quaintance as a result of information on [[Vernon Quaintance|Quaintance's page]]. You can review this page, and the related pages, to see what Brian Morris doesn't want you to know.|}}
{| class="infobox vcard" style="175px; font-size:90%" border="0" cellspacing="4" align="right" valign="top"
}}</ref><ref>{{TaddioA KatzJ IlersichAL KorenG 1997}}
|quote=It is, therefore, possible that the greater vaccination response in the infants [[circumcised]] without anaesthesia may represent an infant analogue of a post-traumatic stress disorder triggered by a traumatic and painful event and re-experienced under similar circumstances of pain during vaccination.
</ref> The extent of little Brian's [[trauma]], if any, is not known, however his adult behaviour is suggestive of a deeply traumatised person with a compulsion to repeat the [[Pain#Traumatic_effect_of_infant_circumcision| trauma]] of infant [[circumcision]] on others.<ref name="vanderkolk1989">{{VanderKolkBA 1989}}</ref>
We now understand that infant [[Brit Milah|circumcision]] is an [[Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)|adverse childhood experience]] and causes physical and psychic [[trauma]]. Brian Morris may be considered to be a victim of [[circumcision]]. It is likely that Morris's adult [[bias]] for [[circumcision]], as reflected in his writings, derived from his infant experience and his lack of personal experience of a [[foreskin]].<ref name="boyle2012>{{REFjournal
|first=Gregory J.
=== Attempts to block a research paper from being published ===
In 2011, [[Morten Frisch]], {{MD}}, {{PhD}}, a professor of sexual health epidemiology at [ Statens Serum Institut] in Copenhagen and at {{UNI|Aalborg University|AAU}} in [[Denmark]], published a study, which showed an excess of orgasm difficulties in [[circumcised ]] men, as well as significantly increased frequencies of orgasm difficulties, pain during intercourse and a sense of incomplete sexual needs fulfillment in women with [[circumcised ]] spouses.<ref>{{FrischM LindholmM GroenbaekM 2011}}</ref>
This study was preceded by three other publications based on the same dataset, dealing with sexual dysfunctions in Danish men and women in relation to socioeconomic factors, health factors and lifestyle factors, respectively, which were swimmingly published without serious criticisms from peer reviewers in the two most prestigious US journals of sexual health, the ''Journal of Sexual Medicine'' and ''Archives of Sexual Behavior''. After adding the variable of male [[circumcision ]] status to the analysis, however, the study was met with extremely critical reviews of everything about the entire dataset.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Circumcision and Sexual Function Difficulties
}}</ref> The documents were his leaflets promoting circumcision, bearing the imprint of the Gilgal Society.<ref name="wayback-gilgal-leaflets"/><ref name="guide4parents"/><ref name="gilgal4women"/> Recently, the head of the Gilgal Society, [[Vernon Quaintance]], has had been convicted of possessing child pornography.<ref name="pedophile"/><ref name="malta"/>
Until the 26th of April, 2012, Morris's leaflet, "Circumcision A Guide For Parents", said it was published by Brian Morris & The Gilgal Society, with the society's address and logo.<ref name="wayback-gilgal-leaflets"/><ref name="guide4parents"/> As of the 26th of April, 2012, all references to the society are gone, along with a reference to Morris's "interest in circumcision".
== Morris' circumcision expertise refuted ==
'''Brian James Morris''', a [[circumcised]] native of [[Australia]], has devoted his life to the promotion of [[circumcision]] and [[foreskin]] loss for all males everywhere, however, The the Royal Australasian College of Physicians' official advice on circumcision rejects all of his claims.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Circumcision of Infant Males
== Biased [[publications]] ==
{{NOTE}} Notebox|IntactiWiki does ''not '' recommend the publications indexed in this section.}}
In March of 2011, Morris published a paper in ''Am J Prev Med'' called "Circumcision denialism unfounded and unscientific." He had the paper co-authored by [[Daniel Halperin]], [[Edgar J. Schoen]], [[Stephen Moses]], and others.<ref>{{REFjournal
Morris's papers are noted for the frequent citation of previous works by Morris and others of his clique. His co-authors are usually members of his clique. He openly publishes a list of his authors which are also members of the alleged medical organisation [[Circumcision Academy of Australia]], with most of them highly biased in favor of circumcision for several reasons.
=== [[Bias]] revealed ===
Professor [[Gregory J. Boyle]] has reviewed an article by Morris & [[John N. Krieger| Krieger]] and explained the devices and tricks Morris uses to make the evidence support his [[bias]]ed pre-ordained conclusion.<ref>{{REFjournal
|first=Gregory J.
|author-link=Gregory J. Boyle
|title=Does Male Circumcision Adversely Affect Sexual Sensation, Function, or Satisfaction? Critical Comment on Morris and Krieger (2013)
|journal=Advances in Sexual Medicine
Crossdisciplinary researcher [[Brian D. Earp]] revealed very graphically how totally biased authors, like Morris and his co-authors, can place pseudoscientific papers in important journals without their [[bias]] being admitted or discovered before publication.<ref>{{REFweb
|first=Brian D.
|author-link=Brian D. Earp
|title=People seem interested in how a small group of researchers with an agenda can 'rig' a "systematic review" in medicine to make it say whatever they want [...]
Morris gets his friends and associates to review his articles to give them the illusion of having been impartially reviewed.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Journal editor resigns over firestorm from circumcision article
|publisher=World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics
=== Co-authors ===

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